Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Manannán mac Lir Day

I had it in my head that a few years back Anne Johnson of The Gods Are Bored had reclaimed this day for the old Irish God Manannán mac Lir; but I couldn't quite track down an official announcement on her part, instead finding this interview she did with Him. So now I'm not sure.

At any rate, official or not, I quite like the idea of reclaiming this day for the old Irish Deities, Manannán, the Little Manxman, included. I guess I just can't get all enthused about celebrating the guy who converted Ireland, you know?

Not that I'm actually Irish, myself. Scottish, Welsh, English, sure; but it's like once my ancestors arrived on the isle of Britain they steadfastly refused to get on another boat (well, at least until America was 'discovered', anyway). Perhaps this genetic tendency is related to why I can't swim? It's not impossible.

Who's your favorite Irish God or Goddess? I'm quite fond of Brighid myself, all fire and creativity, but of course She does already have Her own day, February second. Who would you like to celebrate today?


Dancing With Fey said...

I'd say my favorite is also Brighid. :)

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I vote for Aengus, the God of Love and Dreams!

Lilith Lotus Rose said...

I usually don't feel a connection to the Celtic Gods and Goddesses, but I do have some sort of fascination with Blodeuwedd.
Love the way you've drawn her.:)

Mama Feoneafey said...

I think you blog in fantastic !

I have an award for you here

Selah said...

Cernnunos and the Dagda :D

Debra She Who Seeks said...

And I'm pretty partial to Sheela-na-gig too. Can I vote twice?

enelya said...

My favorite goddess has to be Danu, mother of the Tuatha de Danaan

Angharad said...

my heart is with Danu, too, Mother of Rivers, as I call Her now. Rivers have always been a big part of my landscape and, growing up in Wales, there was always a sense of Her being there first.
And, of course, Brigid - since smithcraft, poetry and herbal medicine are three pretty large parts of my life :)

Hecate said...

Shelia na Gig, for sure. But Bride, to whom I never felt any connection, once came to me in a dream and saved my life, thereby, more than once. So I have to include her, and, how could I not, she being a Goddess of poetry?